They Have Been, And Can Be, Defeated

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In the late 1990s, two men—economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche, and Mahatir Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia—intellectually joined forces, in a manner of speaking, and defeated “deep state/shallow empire” financier George Soros. On September 19, 1997, The Wall Street Journal Asia ran a story, “LaRouche Report Helps Feed Malaysian Attacks on Soros” which began, “ when Prime Minister Mahatir Mohamad recently accused financer George Soros of leading speculative attacks on Southeast Asian currencies, Malaysia’s pro-government press quickly cranked out articles vilifying the American billionaire. Some of their vitriol apparently came from an unusual source: a publication run by Lyndon LaRouche Junior… “ At that time, and despite International pressure, Malaysia carried out reorganization measures that effectively defeated Soros’ short-term objective of destabilizing that country, and ruining its currency and economy.

This week, Mahatir, now age 99, gave an interview to EIR regarding current history, and what needs to be done to once against defeat, not only Soros, but the enemies of the forward-driving process of economic development now embraced by the BRICS nations and the Global South. Tonight, his interviewer Mike Billington will discuss not only what Mahatir said, but what Lyndon LaRouche, with whom Billington shared an unjust prosecution and imprisonment during the late 80s and early 90s, had to say about the mental health benefits of never backing down in the face of injustice—as LaRouche did not on October 6, 1986, “the night (and early morning) they came to kill me.”

Speaker: Mike Billington, EIR

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