299. Make This The Homeschool Year You Take Control Of Your House: Keep Up With The Cleaning!

1 month ago

It's funny how we think we have so much to keep up with before having children. Then, we add them into the mix. And oh, yeah...you're homeschooling too.

And the messes pile up and the cleaning never ends.

Where are you supposed to find the time to take back control over your home?

Here's a hint: there is only so much you can do right now. But, I've got some practical tips you can begin weaving into your weeks to take the load off your constantly growing to-do list.


CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

GET YOUR TICKET FOR LITTLE BY LITTLE HOMESCHOOL CONFERENCE www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/conference

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41. How Does a Homeschool Mom Know What to Keep and What to Toss? The Great Declutter Debate https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/41-how-does-a-homeschool-mom-know-what-to-keep-and/id1607943103?i=1000560033204

217. Feeling Frustrated That The Housework Never Ends? How To Get All The Chores Done Each Homeschool Day https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/217-feeling-frustrated-that-the-housework-never-ends/id1607943103?i=1000640227006

222. Needing Balance In Your Life? Master These 2 Times In Your Day As A Homeschool Mom https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/222-needing-balance-in-your-life-master-these-2-times/id1607943103?i=1000642084819

248. Homeschooling And Motherhood Can Be Hard, But That Doesn't Mean It's Bad With Abbie Halberstadt From M Is For Mama https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/248-homeschooling-and-motherhood-can-be-hard-but-that/id1607943103?i=1000652850047

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