The vast majority of the people, they no longer put any value on freedom, democracy

4 months ago

German MEP Christine Anderson: "I'm an elected member to the EU Parliament, meaning I represent the German people because I was elected by the German people. And I actually or I think that's what I do. I actually do serve the people and act in their best interest rather than selling them out as so many others are doing. So I feel very strongly about that. Because the point is simply this. In the past, there hasn't been freedom, democracy, and a rule of law for a very long time. And it took our fathers and forefathers to actually stand up and literally spill their blood to wrestle freedom, democracy, and a rule of law from the former elites. And unfortunately, what we're seeing right now is, especially in the Western democracies, I mean, we're just spoiled brats. The vast majority of the people, they no longer put any value on freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. They seem to have no understanding that it did not just fall out of the blue sky on one fine day, and here it was. No, it had to be fought for. And like I said, there was blood spilled over it. And our fathers and forefathers did that to ensure that their children would be able to live in a better world and enjoy freedom, democracy and the rule of law. And the spoiled brats nowadays, they just, you know, pretty much cornered away. And like I said, it's, I find that very disturbing. And just to think that there are so many people, especially in the Western democracies, that really do not understand what they are about to lose. And yeah, that's pretty much where I'm coming from. So I was elected by the people. I will always stand with the people because that's my job. That's what I get paid for. And the people pay me, by the way. It's not pharmaceutical companies or whoever else. So it is my job and my damn duty to do whatever is best for the people. And that, yes, clashes with whatever the globalists have in mind."

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