Dollar Report: October 2024 / FOMC Minutes / CPI / Gold

10 days ago

My analysis of the decision in September by the Federal Open Market Committee - Federal Reserve - to cut the target federal funds rate by 50 basis points, together with the newly released minutes from that meeting, some of the recent comments from Jerome Powell, the newly released inflation numbers (consumer price index) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and commodities prices, including gold, silver, and Bitcoin.


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Dr. Jonathan Barth received his PhD in History from George Mason University in 2014. He specializes in the history of money and banking in the early modern period, with corollary interests in early modern politics, empire, culture, and ideas. Barth is Associate Professor of History at Arizona State University and Associate Director of the Center for American Institutions at Arizona State University.

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this channel are my own and do not reflect the views of Arizona State University, nor are any of the views endorsed by Arizona State University.

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