Who Should I Vote For In 24

4 months ago

Video Summary
A. Vote based on policy, not personality, not likability or even religion. A politician's long standing policy positions matter. Not flip flopped positions when an election year comes.
B. What is the Devils endgame and plan from Revelation chapter 13. One World Government, One World Ruler, One World Religion, One World Military, One World Financial System.
C. There will one day be a coming Antichrist, but even now there have been many antichrists. 1st John 2:18 NLT
D. The devil has had to have antichrists ready throughout history because he doesn't know when the end will come. We know of them from history. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Saddam Hussein, etc...
E. There is a spirit of antichrist (anti-God) that is working in the earth and there are many who are influenced by that.
F. There are 8 Key points to evaluate a Politician by to determine if they are influenced by a spirit of antichrist.
1. Antichrist politicians will oppose freedom
2. Antichrist politicians will push for a 1 world government
3. Antichrist politicians will not be a friend of Israel
4. Antichrist politicians support lawlessness
5. Antichrist politicians will be anti-family and redefine family
6. Antichrist politicians are anti-gun
7. Antichrist politicians are pro sexual immorality
8. Antichrist politicians will be celebrated by the world
G. What can you do?
a. Pray for our nation and that righteousness will prevail
b. Vote early and in person: Your vote matters
c. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior
- Go to https://revivalnow.com/how-can-i-be-saved

God Bless You and God Bless America!

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