I'll Fly Away - Joey & Rory Feek

1 day ago

I'll Fly Away - One Of The Best Renditions!!!

If you fear dying a physical death, PLEASE revisit your faith, for Jesus has already won the war; he has given us VICTORY over evil, VICTORY over death, VICTORY over sin! Keep on keeping THE FAITH & strive to live by LOVExTWO, for that is the best we can do in the here & now!!! There's a reason why God says time & time again, their sins & iniquities will I remember no more & we best believe GOD IS NOT A LIAR! It's the reason Paul speaks about how we should no longer have a CONSCIENCE (AWARENESS) OF SIN! In Romans 8:33-39, it lists many things & one of them is NAKEDNESS, which has many meanings in the bible & one of them is SIN, then it concludes with NOTHING (from the many things it lists) can separate us from THE LOVE OF GOD!!! If God doesn't hold our sins against us, WHY are we hellbent on trying to HOUND & SIN BASH others, on sins we PICK & CHOOSE from the 613 commandments??? BTW, I share a screenshot on my facebook, with some of the verses that tells us, if we choose to live by the old law, we better keep all 613 commandments (which is impossible); then it says if we fail in one, we fail in all, but then again as I say, we fail from the get go, for the old law can never offer us salvation, it only EXPOSES how we don't believe & trust that Jesus did, what he said, HE DID, fulfilled it all!!! There's a reason Jesus had to come save us from ourselves & it's bcuz none of us are capable of ever living fully without sin on our own, for our body, our flesh is sin by its very nature... It's only thru Jesus that we find FORGIVENESS! Without Jesus, whether I sin the most & you sin the less, we'll still be joined hand & hand to our final destination, ETERNAL DAMNATION!!! When we're stuck on THE SIN, our guilty conscience will only keep us in CONSTANT STRIFE, especially when sin karens go around trying to mind everybody else's sins... Lastly, it's the reason Jesus said, IT IS FINISHED, as he took his last breath on the cross, having suffered the most horrific, painful & unimaginable death, so that we may live SPIRITUALLY FOREVER! Our sins are forever covered by his blood, for just as anyone who is born of man inherited Adam's sin nature, when he chose to be DISOBEDIENT, so to now have we all been imputed THE RIGHTEOUSNESS of Jesus, when he condemned all our sin in his flesh; which is why the bible says the body is dead to sin & that sin no longer has dominion over us & it's bcuz we are under HIS GRACE!!! God really made it that SIMPLE, unfortunately we're a bunch of stubborn mules... TRUST THAT JESUS IS ENOUGH!!! I believe I've been shown many things by THE SPIRIT & I have added a lot on my facebook, but am still waiting till the time is right to share what I believe will rock most (though I have kind of already shared some of this, in some of the messages on there & in this message), for many have been led to believe things that only serve to keep us in CONSTANT STRIFE!!! Below is the link to my facebook page, where I've been working on trying to help give others a FAITH LIFT! I believe that the more we stray from LOVExTWO, the more we'll create a living hell on earth, the more we'll suffer the consequences brought on by OUR DISOBEDIENCE, to the two simple laws Jesus left us with!!! Where there's LOVE, there's LIGHT & where there's LIGHT, there will be no place for HATE & EVIL to prosper! GET IT??? LOVE is infectious, just as HATE is contagious; CHOOSE to spread LOVE 💜 not HATE! There's a reason the bible says the following in different verses; For all the law is fulfilled in ONE WORD... God is THE WORD... LOVE is the fulfilling of the Law... God is LOVE... THE ROYAL LAW IS LOVE!!! https://www.facebook.com/RowdyBuck0768/


1 John 5:4 For whoever has been born of God overcomes the world; and THIS IS THE VICTORY THAT HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD: OUR FAITH.


1 Corinthians 15:54-57 Death Is Swallowed Up In Victory. The Sting Of Death Is Sin & The Power Of Sin Is The Law. THANKS BE TO GOD, WHICH GIVETH US THE VICTORY THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.





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