THE REVELATION CHAPTER (2) - Translated into 6 languages.

3 months ago

Poetry Introduction by Que.
In the sacred text of Revelations light.
Chapter two opens a prophecy so bright.
John is directed to write to the 7 churches.
With warnings to change their practices.
Each message is forwarded from the Massiah.
To Asia, Ephesus, Pergamos, Thyatira,
His DeVine meaning is made plain and clear.
To Philidelphia, Smyrna, and Laodicea.
The 7 messages were penned for the Churches to see.
In tongues diverse, a tapestry.
Transcribe in Hebrew, the roots deeply sown.
Chinese whispers of His truth are grown.
French elegance echoes the faith we share.
Hindi's cadence carries love in prayer.
Swahili sings of hope across the land.
And English speaks our hearts at His command.
For in this global chorus, we are united,
In reverence and wonder, hearts are ignited.
Together we gather, in faith we proclaim.
As we gather, in faith we proclaim.
The teachings of Christ, eternal His name.
Chapter two invites us, hand in hand.
In a world of many, yet together we stand.

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