Self-Doubt - a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

3 months ago

Today we discuss our daily inspirational message for October 8: "Self-Doubt.” You can review a written version below.

Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'
Subjects Discussed:
1 - When you recall that your journey is a sacred co-creation with God, doubt ends.
2 - When in doubt, simply allow/invite God, Love, to lead the way.
3 - When in doubt, ask God what to think, say and do, then think, say and do only that.
4 - When experiencing self-doubt, your job is to figure out how to develop certainty/self-awareness, then help others through the fog of their self doubt.
5 - When you feel that you are challenged, it is only because you have chosen to travel through the darkness in order to find your way out and then help others find their way out.
6 - When self-doubt comes in, use it, but not to dive deeper into the darkness, but to practice trusting trusting God more.
7 - The more you practice going from self-doubt to trusting God, the more normal the state of certainty becomes.
8 - No matter your decision, God will use it for good, to help you grow, heal and awaken.
9 - Know you are always making the best you can, with the spiritual, emotional and mental tools you have available to you.
10 - When in doubt, stop that line of thinking and invite Love to lead the way.
11 - Your primary job on Earth is to be Love in each moment and interaction.
12 - Practice in a difficult situation inviting God in.
13- Learn to use the angelic realm to help guide you.
14 - You have two choices in every situation, to trust God's plan for the Universe or yours. One brings peace, one does not.
15 - Letting go of feeling unworthy.
16 - God is, no matter the ego's dramatic story is, He is always just a simple and gentle choice
17 - Anytime you interacted with anyone, that is a symbol that God finds you worthy of His children.
18 - Your challenges are part of the mission you choose to experience in order to heal it and help others heal.
19 - Anytime you have challenges, learn to pat yourself on the back, because God knows that you are now ready to deal with it
20 - Learning to see people who are going through challenges with respect for what they have chosen to take on.
21 - Challenges such as depression and suicide. The miracle of getting through it. A choice you made before you were born.
22 - Your life experience will help many people heal.
23 - God is preparing you to be someone's answered prayer.

Doubting yourself or your journey is an act of self-deception. It is a sign that you have forgotten that you co-designed your journey with the Divine. When you recall that your journey is a sacred co-creation with God, you will trust that each step of it is serving your highest good. You will recall that each step is in your life to help you grow, heal and awaken. To doubt your journey is to doubt God’s love for you. You will not obtain true, lasting peace of mind and joy if you are unsure that God has your back. Today, if doubt about your journey arises, do not despair. Simply, catch yourself being out of alignment with the mind of God, stop that line of thinking, and learn to use such moments to practice trusting God more. The more you practice trusting God, the less doubt you will experience. The less doubt you experience, the more peace you will have. The more peace you have, the more grateful to God you will be. The more you see that you and God are in the same corner, the more certain you will be of your choices and journey.

Today, let us no longer allow the thoughts of doubt to continue to corrupt us. Let us no longer allow the false concept of self-doubt to go unchallenged. Our journey is a sacred co-creation with the Divine, with Perfection. Perfection does not create imperfectly. Thus we cannot fail to accomplish what we have come here to do. We cannot fail to accomplish what God has created us to do. Today, recall that the ego, trying to place itself in opposition to God, to All, cannot in truth exist. If it does not exist, then none of its concepts, such as self-doubt, can be real or true. Self-doubt, being a creation of the ego, cannot be real or true. If self-doubt is not real or true, it cannot affect you. Today, let us no longer buy into the ego’s lies as true. Let us no longer buy into its dreams as real. No longer consciously invest your time, focus and energy into what gives you no return. Today, simply choose to dismiss all thoughts that were never true. Then at One with the mind of God, with the foundation of Love to stand on, walk with certainty and confidence on your journey back Home.
We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call.
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