Let me be still and listen to the truth - lesson 106 - A Course In Miracles

2 months ago

Let me be still and listen to the truth - lesson 106 - a Weekly Zoom Call with James for Students of “A Course in Miracles.” Please review a written copy of today's material below and join us next time for our weekly group discussions. Click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call https://www.chosentoremember.com/acim-zooms/
Subjects Discussed:
1 - Today, practice bringing God in before every interaction.
2 - Ask God/Love what to think, say and do, and think say, and do only that.
3 - Voice of the dead is unloving thoughts that have no life. Life=love, death=unloving thoughts. Thoughts that have no love and thus no life in them.
4 - Practice using/hearing loving thoughts, and consciously stop listening to the ego's judgment centric fear-based voice.
5 - When you stop investing your time, focus and energy into the ego's dream, the dream ends and you awaken.
6 - The ego always answers first and loudest. Do not punish yourself for reacting with the ego, simply catch yourself when doing so and stop that line of thinking.
7 - Love lifts the veil that lies upon the Earth.
8 - You can only offer others what you yourself have, and to have it you must first believe that it is true.
9 - There is nothing easier than being who you truly already are. The voice of God is who you were created by God to be.
10 - Being the voice of God/Love on Earth makes you feel fulfilled because you are doing what you were created to do.
11 - Your function is to bring others the light that God is. It is helping others recall who in truth they are.
12 - When guilt and shame come, your function as the voice for God is to remind other of mercy and grace.
13- To give is to share, to receive is to reinforce. What you share, through the experience, you forever get to keep it.
14 - The Holy Spirit is the conduit between us and the Truth/God. Those who have ears to hear will hear. Those who have eyes to see will see.
15 - Your brother can either love you or call out for love, nothing else.
16 - The truth/love that you give to others you forever get to keep.
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Lesson 106. Let me be still and listen to the truth.

1. If you will lay aside the ego’s voice, however loudly it may seem to call; if you will not accept its petty gifts that give you nothing that you really want; if you will listen with an open mind, that has not told you what salvation is; then you will hear the mighty Voice of truth, quiet in power, strong in stillness, and completely certain in Its messages.

2. Listen, and hear your Father speak to you through His appointed Voice, which silences the thunder of the meaningless, and shows the way to peace to those who cannot see. ²Be still today and listen to the truth. ³Be not deceived by voices of the dead, which tell you they have found the source of life and offer it to you for your belief. ⁴Attend them not, but listen to the truth.

3. Be not afraid today to circumvent the voices of the world. ²Walk lightly past their meaningless persuasion. ³Hear them not. ⁴Be still today and listen to the truth. ⁵Go past all things which do not speak of Him Who holds your happiness within His Hand, held out to you in welcome and in love. ⁶Hear only Him today, and do not wait to reach Him longer. ⁷Hear one Voice today.

4. Today the promise of God’s Word is kept. ²Hear and be silent. ³He would speak to you. ⁴He comes with miracles a thousand times as happy and as wonderful as those you ever dreamed or wished for in your dreams. ⁵His miracles are true. ⁶They will not fade when dreaming ends. ⁷They end the dream instead; and last forever, for they come from God to His dear Son, whose other name is you. ⁸Prepare yourself for miracles today. ⁹Today allow your Father’s ancient pledge to you and all your brothers to be kept.

5. Hear Him today, and listen to the Word which lifts the veil that lies upon the earth, and wakes all those who sleep and cannot see. ²God calls to them through you. ³He needs your voice to speak to them, for who could reach God’s Son except his Father, calling through your Self? ⁴Hear Him today, and offer Him your voice to speak to all the multitude who wait to hear the Word that He will speak today.

6. Be ready for salvation. ²It is here, and will today be given unto you. ³And you will learn your function from the One Who chose it in your Father’s Name for you. ⁴Listen today, and you will hear a Voice which will resound throughout the world through you. ⁵The bringer of all miracles has need that you receive them first, and thus become the joyous giver of what you received.

7. Thus does salvation start and thus it ends; when everything is yours and everything is given away, it will remain with you forever. ²And the lesson has been learned. ³Today we practice giving, not the way you understand it now, but as it is. ⁴Each hour’s exercises should begin with this request for your enlightenment:

⁵I will be still and listen to the truth.
⁶What does it mean to give and to receive?



Sign up and join us for our weekly Wednesday 7pm est. free 'A Course in Miracles' Meet Up: https://www.chosentoremember.com/acim-zooms/

We are delighted to be offering an additional weekly Zoom workshop with James Blanchard Cisneros on Wednesdays. The Wednesday weekly Zoom calls are for people who are interested in exploring topics related to “A Course in Miracles”. During each Zoom call, participants will have time to ask questions and discuss “A Course in Miracles” topics. The current plan is to hold the weekly “A Course in Miracles” Zoom calls on Wednesdays at 7pm est.

We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like minded people.

When: Wednesdays (beginning June 5)
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call. https://www.chosentoremember.com/acim-zooms/

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