Kabayo ka ba? (The Rebellious Son - Part 2 - Stubbornness) (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

4 months ago

Sunday Morning Preaching on Stubbornness
October 6, 2024

The Rebellious Son
(Part 2 – Stubbornness – Kabayo ka ba?)
Text: Ps 32:9

Objective: that the brethren may not be rebellious and help those that in that path to turn to the legitimate God-given authorities, learn to submit, and serve well.

Define – Stubbornness - Resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires
The trait of being difficult to handle or overcome

I. Examples of Stubbornness – with points:
1. The Lord and the People see your stubbornness – Ex. 32:9, Deu. 21:20; 31:27
2. It is Refusing to Obey – 1 Sam. 8:19
i. Obedience to Legitimate authority is a virtue
3. How many people must serve you? – 2Chr. 24:19, 2Chr. 30:8
4. It is an Insult – “kabastusan” – Jer. 32:33
5. It cannot stand the Word of God – Jer. 44:16
6. It cannot stand the truth –Zec. 7:11
7. It is sin and offense against God Himself – Holy Spirit is of God – Acts 7:51

II. Warning Against Stubbornness
1. Ps. 32:9, 78:8, Is. 46:12, 48:4, Mal. 2:2


Let us not be rebellious and help those that in that path to turn to the legitimate God-given authorities, learn to submit, and serve well.

Discerning Word Baptist Church
Banaba San Mateo Rizal


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