Kool and the gang tonight bass cover

4 months ago

#koolandthegangmembers #koolandtheganghits
Kool and the gang Tonight bass cover

Kool and the gang members My main music is rock and metal But funk is excellent for bass players as in rock we do not need to groove so much In funk groove is everything It is good to be a well rounded bass player . We can learn to play different styles of music . This song is fun to play not hard at all ;

Kool and the gang members Only the groove is the think in funk and reggae one that cannot groove well would be benefited to play thiese music genres on bass guitar . I use lefty Ibanez shortscale bass . It is amazing i am very happy with it . I have a small amplifier and i do not know how the bass would song in a big amplifier . But it would be powerful also . Enjoy Kool and the gang members

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