Working Through "Negative" Emotions - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

1 month ago

December 27 - Working Through "Negative" Emotions - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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When working through “negative” emotions, consider the following:

1 – Your journey is a sacred co-creation with God. Do not allow others or even your own ego to put down or judge the sacred nature of the journey that you have co-designed with the Divine. Having co-designed your journey with Love, each step along your path is sacred, regardless of how the ego has programmed you to view it.

2 – Negative emotions are learned behaviors. The more you buy into them, the more you will defend and support them as real, and the more a “real” part of you and your life they will seem to become. But equally so, when you take your time, focus and energy away from them, they will begin to dissolve before your light and understanding.

3 – Take personal responsibility for feeling your negative emotions. The world you are experiencing is the world that you have made through your thoughts, time, focus and energy. If you desire to leave the world you have made, then start taking greater personal responsibility for the thoughts that helped build it. Stop blaming the outside world and those in it for how you feel. They cannot make you feel anything without your permission.

4 – Negative emotions are not a curse, but a call to action. The moment is yours to do with as you wish. It is in the present moment where you create the life you experience. Today, answer the Universe’s call to action by placing your time, focus and energy on thoughts, words and emotions that will help design and build the life and destiny you want.
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