Turning the Ego’s Upside Down Thinking Right Side Up - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

2 months ago

December 26 - Turning the Ego’s Upside Down Thinking Right Side Up - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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Let us dedicate this day to turning the ego’s upside down thinking right side up. What would this look like? What if when you experienced anger, you saw it as a gift you were offering to yourself and anyone involved? Such a gift would help you learn how to deal with these types of situations in a more forgiving and loving manner. Imagine seeing anxiousness and stress as a gift that is being presented to you to help you learn how to deal with uncertainty in a more peaceful manner. Imagine seeing all judgment, criticism, anger and stress as gifts here to help you grow, heal and awaken to the love within. Would the fog of the ego’s world not begin to lift? Would Heaven not rise in its place? Heaven is not a far off location or destination. Heaven is within us all right now, forever just a simple choice away.

Today, our goal is to help reverse the thinking of the ego’s world. We are here to reflect God’s love and light onto those who are still buying into the ego’s dark, fear-based mindset as true. Where there is a sense of hopelessness, we are here to offer hope. Where there is judgment and anger, we have been placed there to bring forgiveness and understanding. Where people are anxious and worried, we have been placed upon their path to help them practice trusting God more. To those who are in mental anguish, we are here to help them recall that inner peace is possible. Today, all we will be doing is being the representatives of Love we were created to be. Do not feel stressed out by today’s task, for in truth there is nothing easier than being who we were created by God to be.
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