Obama: FEMA Is ‘Incompetent,’ ‘Paralyzed’ and ‘Powerless’ - Trumpet Daily | Oct. 10, 2024

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[00:30] Americans Suffer While Media Insists Everything Is ‘Perfect’ (39 minutes)
After Hurricane Katrina, the mainstream media excoriated President George W. Bush for his government’s response to the disaster. Today, the media propaganda complex insists that the government’s inept hurricane relief efforts in the last two weeks have been perfect. Kamala Harris is attempting to inject herself into the hurricane relief discussion to rescue her failing campaign, but Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says she has no role in the process. As Kamala's “good vibes campaign” flounders, media outlets like CBS are doing their utmost to help her come across well in her media blitz this week, even heavily editing and restructuring her answers in a prerecorded interview to make her look more presidential.

[39:40] A Miraculous Birth (16 minutes)
The true story of Jesus Christ’s birth is full of dramatic miracles. These miracles should motivate us to worship and rely on God, who has the divine power to work miracles.

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