1 John epistle Audio reading

4 months ago

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What is the first epistle of John about ? John was the beloved apostle of Jesus John revealed the most the loving, kind, humble merciful character of Jesus . These 3 epistles are filled with the love of God and how much we need to love one another . Immagine the day you die What will have counted and being important in your life ? The love you gave and the love you have received .

What is the first epistle of John about ? This is chapter 1 to 5 Following in my channel earth last day bible channel is epistle of 2 John and 3 John . These are some of the most intense love letters of Jesus for us . Right before the powerful book of revelation where John also received a vision for the futur events of history . What is the first epistle of John about ? The book of revelation is so incredible and powerful . Very differents books 1 John about Gods love and revelation fully about bible prophecy . Prophecy is history in advance .

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