The Power of Influence - Part 2 | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

3 months ago

It is said, that influence is the power to affect how someone thinks or behaves that can be either good or bad. In Matthew 5 verses 13-16, Jesus' messages was so powerful because He taught His followers how to influence the world, and not let the world influence them. So if we are going to be salt and light in our present society, it should not be by a lot of talk or a lot of social action, but it should be by our influence of a consistent lifestyle in the way we think, speak, and behave. We should be guiding people when the world is so dark, and not blend in with the darkness, but be a LIGHT that is shining and faithful to God. Jesus said, “Church you are the light of the world, the only True light in this world”. Question, “is there something about you that draws other people to Jesus?” If so, then that would be the power of influence in your life today that Stands Out for Jesus?

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