"Unexpected Dining Adventures Unveiled"? 🦌🍽️✨

4 months ago

Whitetails, like many other herbivores, are primarily plant munchers. They are able to get most of their required nutrients just by eating various leaves, grasses, fruits, acorns and other plant matter. However, there may be times when their regular diet just isn't doing it, and in these cases they seek out animal matter to fill in the gaps.

It is highly unlikely that this deer killed the snake, but it does not have a problem taking advantage of the easy boost in energy. Ruminants that dabble in the flesh game have been known to take the easy route when out "hunting". Unattended nestlings, lost chicks, adult birds trapped in mist nets, all have the potential to become fodder for these foragers fiending for some foreign anatomy to gobble up.

There was a theory floated that this behavior was primarily driven by the need for extra calcium and phosphorus when ruminants like deer are growing out their antlers, not sure how true that is, but it's the best explanation we have thus far.

But really who knows, maybe they just like it

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