Class 10 - Living the Gospel - Luke 5-9

1 day ago

In this class, we continue St. Luke's Gospel, covering chapters 5 through 9.

Some of the topics include:
-Launching into the deep with Christ
-Developing spiritual fortitude: who makes the cut and who doesn't
-Arising from self-pity and being healed
-Luke's Beatitudes and Woes
-There's no blessing in being a jerk for Christ
-Loving our enemies: the test of true Christianity
-Don't judge or criticize others
-Building on the rock of Christ or the sand of the ego
-Finding the will of God for your life
-The simplicity of God's will
-Whoever has, more will be given; whoever has not, it will be taken: this is how reality works on the spiritual and worldly planes
-Lesson from the demoniac: When God doesn't grant your good requests in prayer
-Daily deny ourselves and take up our cross
-Faithful in the little things
-Christ condemns divisiveness among Christians as demonic

In this series, we focus on how we should live our lives according to the commandments of Christ found in the Gospels. While theology is important, we can't truly understand it until our hearts are purified. This purification comes by grace and praxis, that is, living the Christian life. With that in mind, we sometimes breeze over portions of chapters that are less about how to live and more about teaching theology. Praxis first; theology later.

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