222. Support the Lymphatic System - Part 1 - Dr. Lewis

4 months ago

The Lymphatic system has multiple roles.
1. Drain excess interstitial fluid
2. Cleanse the blood of antigens
3. Absorb large fat molecules that cannot go from the digestive tract into capillaries.

This is the part 1 discussing some therapies that are supportive of immune function including that provided by the lymphatic system.

12:05:42 From - : There is a practitioner and health journalist who has the saying “Fungal until proven otherwise”
12:07:34 From Brenda : My son needs his wisdom teeth out. Does anyone know of a good person to use for that?
12:09:41 From Pam "east coast" Iowa, US : Replying to "My son needs his wis..."

Are you willing to travel? If not, what is your location?
12:14:14 From Brenda : Replying to "My son needs his wis..."

Yes, I am. I am in SC
12:16:28 From Linda Anderson : what is micellized vit A?
12:18:12 From Martha Stark, MD : Thank you for mentioning maybe TB…
12:20:42 From - : How do we decrease the smell in the body when taking fish oils? The high concentrate “pink” / “red” version causes body odor when some people I know take it.
12:20:55 From Amy Young : where can we find out about the Brownstein protocol?
12:21:08 From Amy Young : Reacted to "where can we find ou..." with 👍🏻
12:21:18 From Martha Stark, MD : The amazing Dr. Rudy Tanzi is Professor of Neurology at Harvard University, Vice-Chair of Neurology, Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit, and Co-Director of the Henry and Allison McCance Center for Brain Health at Massachusetts General Hospital.
12:22:55 From Steve : Replying to "what is micellized v..."

Micellization refers to a process that enhances the solubility and absorption of certain nutrients, particularly vitamins.
12:23:03 From Stephen McConnell : Micelles are a transient pseudo-cell fat transporter for enabling fat absorption in the gut
Hydrophobic internally
Hydrophilic on the exterior
12:26:15 From Patricia Hinojosa : all of the vitamin E ? tocopherols and tocotrienols ?
12:28:22 From - : Does coconut oil have vitamins?
12:29:01 From Martha Stark, MD : Tom – Oh my goodness!!! Yes, “Professor Plum” from Clue – but not the scholarly professor who might have “done it” in the library with his pipe!!!!
12:29:05 From Curtis Bentley - Health Directions - 203-255-7700 : Your recommendation is to take Cod Liver oil after eating?
12:32:35 From Steve : Replying to "Your recommendation ..."

That's what he suggested. I take Arctic Cod Liver Oil Unflavored by
Nordic Naturals and don't find it fishy taste at all.
12:34:28 From Brenda : What is an iodine treatment on eyes? Do you put it in your eye?
12:34:34 From Steve : Do eye-scraping and iodine. Prevents many eye issues.
12:35:17 From Karen P : Who is the humanitarian who has low cost supplements? Is there a websight?
12:35:23 From Brenda : Thank you
12:36:05 From Linda E : What was that eye….????
12:36:09 From Steve : Replying to "What is an iodine tr..."

its a rollon on the eyelid
12:36:24 From Steve : Replying to "What was that eye….?..."

12:36:31 From Linda E : Thank you!
12:37:07 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : https://www.herbdoc.com/modern/eyebright-formula
12:37:27 From Karen P : Reacted to "https://www.herbdoc...." with 🙏🏼
12:38:00 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "Do eye-scraping and ..."

Every morning and every evening (after washing my face with tea tree soap), I “scrape” (with my finger nail) my upper and lower eyelids on both eyes. I used to find it kind of “creepy” and I was afraid I might scrape my eyeballs “out” – but I now really enjoy doing it – and I remain asymptomatic!! …unless I don’t do it for a few days, in which case I get my “dry eye symptoms” back!
12:45:17 From Steve : https://www.ultalabtests.com/test/myeloperoxidase-antibody-mpo
12:47:19 From Steve : Barbara is on Substack. Excellent info, also on youtube.
12:47:54 From Joy Gentle : How important to measure Intracellular K in blood vs. the typical K measured in CMP?
12:48:02 From Martha Stark, MD : People awakened in the night with leg cramps should be especially keeping their eye on their potassium level.
12:48:22 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Replying to "People awakened in t..."

12:48:24 From Karen P : How about adding Magnesium to the list of "salts?"
12:48:37 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "People awakened in t..."

Thank you, Dr. Michelle.
12:49:20 From Joy Gentle : Reacted to "People awakened in t..." with 👍
12:53:08 From Steve : Or, your suggested halogen full-spectrum lightbulbs?
12:53:43 From Brenda : He puts magnesium chloride in his salt recipe
12:54:20 From Martha Stark, MD : What about those blue-light blocking glasses that people wear for a few hours prior to bed? Simon Cowell, for example, swears by Lindberg blue-light blocking glasses…
12:55:07 From Karen P : Oncologists know about the gut microbiome. There is a presentation at every conference. They just don't know how to work with it.
12:55:24 From Steve : Reacted to "Oncologists know abo..." with 👍
13:00:16 From Brenda : Replying to "My son needs his wis..."

Do you know of a good oral surgeon?
13:00:57 From Paul Mondello To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Broccoli sprouts
13:02:45 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : https://www.youtube.com/live/q2VPYr-Qn20?si=_gxjXUoDHN-4Ah-M
13:03:22 From Brenda : Thanks Dr. Gamble!
13:03:58 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Replying to "Thanks Dr. Gamble!"

You are welcome
13:04:53 From Brenda : Yes, it is coming in at an angle - the wisdom teeth are
13:05:47 From Donna Horgan : What do you know about browns gas inhalation
13:09:13 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.eyeodine.org/
13:10:02 From Brenda : Dr. Campbell, do you know of a good person to contact about wisdom tooth removal in Atlanta area?
13:10:17 From Brenda : Sorry, I meant Dr. Carter.
13:11:02 From Dr. Tom Lewis : www.iaomt.org
13:12:10 From Brenda : Have you all used the Lifewave patches?
13:12:21 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "Have you all used th..."

13:12:41 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "Have you all used th..."

I love my x39
13:12:52 From Brenda : Replying to "Have you all used th..."

Thanks Martha!
13:12:54 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "Have you all used th..."

It gives me so much energy that I now have insomnia

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