Fake news? Better than that. FAKE NEWS CONFERENCE by FEMA

4 months ago

They had a lot of information to get out, cant be answering the tough pesky questions about letting people die, stealing aid supplies, arresting people that are actually helping, bulldozing towns and bodies, stealing property and telling people to get body bags instead of getting food, water, medicine etc.

Error in judgement? They have no judgement ability. Will anyone be held accountable. No. Reprimands my ass. They will just move them somewhere else or promote them. Our government is completely worthless to the people.

TrustChristORGoToHell: https://www.bitchute.com/profile/cLdlcB9eej0i
Take the RedPill: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/6Us38MBBXb3J

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