Totality of Existence

5 months ago

We really must take into account, the totality.
This isn’t just a human experience on this planet.
this is a total experience and we know we can’t survive without plants and animals
We know we can’t survive without the four elements.
when are we really going to start taking that into account.
Once we understand that the integrity of our personal existences are completely dependent on the integrity of everything else in our world, we have truly understood the meaning of unconditional love.
For love is extensionality, and seeing everything as you and you as everything, can have no conditionalities
For, in fact, we are all everything at once.
And therefore, its only me out there, so what is there to be afraid of? What is there that needs solace seeking? Nothing. There is nothing to be afraid of because it’s all us.
The fact is, society today is backwards, with politicians constantly talking about protection and security, rather than creation, unity and progress.
Our true divinity is our ability to create, and armed with the understanding of the Symbiotic connections of life, while being guided by the emergent nature of reality, there is nothing we cannot do or accomplish.
The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.
The Revolution is now.

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