"The Three Little Pigs - A Modern Tale"

17 hours ago

Here’s a short 5-minute script retelling the classic story of "The Three Little Pigs" with a modern twist. You can adjust the details for a performance or any other context.


**Title: "The Three Little Pigs - A Modern Tale"**

- Narrator
- Pig 1 (Smart Pig)
- Pig 2 (Playful Pig)
- Pig 3 (Brave Pig)
- Big Bad Wolf


Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who decided it was time to leave their family and build homes of their own. Each pig had their own idea about what made the best house.

**(Pig 1 steps forward, confidently.)**

**Pig 1:**
I want my house to be strong! I’ll use bricks to make sure it stands against anything.

**(Pig 2 enters, carefree.)**

**Pig 2:**
Bricks? That’s too much work! I’ll just use sticks. It’ll be done in no time, and I can go play!

**(Pig 3 comes in, a bit hesitant but determined.)**

**Pig 3:**
I don’t know much about building, but I’ll try with straw. It’s light and easy. It’ll do the job!

And so, the three little pigs built their houses. Pig 1’s house of bricks took the longest, but it was sturdy. Pig 2’s house of sticks went up fast, and Pig 3’s straw house was the quickest of all.

But there was trouble ahead. The Big Bad Wolf had a different plan. He was hungry, and nothing sounded tastier than a nice little pig!

**(The Wolf enters, prowling around, sneaky.)**

Hmm, I smell pig! I’ll go to the straw house first. (Laughs) Easy pickings!

**(The Wolf approaches Pig 3’s straw house and knocks.)**

Little pig, little pig, let me in!

**Pig 3 (nervous):**
No, no, no! Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!

**Wolf (growling):**
Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in!

**(The Wolf huffs and puffs, and the straw house collapses. Pig 3 runs to Pig 2’s stick house.)**

Pig 3 rushed to Pig 2’s house, but the Wolf wasn’t far behind.

**Wolf (approaching Pig 2’s house):**
Little pigs, little pigs, let me in!

**Pig 2 and Pig 3 (in unison):**
No, no, no! Not by the hair of our chinny-chin-chins!

**Wolf (menacing):**
Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in!

**(The Wolf huffs and puffs, and the stick house collapses. The two pigs run to Pig 1’s brick house.)**

Now all three pigs were together in the brick house. Would it hold up against the Big Bad Wolf?

**Wolf (determined):**
Little pigs, little pigs, let me in!

**All Pigs (shouting):**
No, no, no! Not by the hair of our chinny-chin-chins!

**Wolf (frustrated):**
Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in!

**(The Wolf huffs and puffs with all his might, but the brick house stands strong.)**

The Wolf huffed and puffed, but he couldn’t blow the brick house down. Defeated and tired, the Wolf slunk away.

**Wolf (grumbling):**
I’ll get you next time, little pigs!

The pigs cheered! They learned that working hard, being smart, and sticking together was the key to staying safe.

**Pig 1 (proud):**
See? I told you bricks were the way to go!

**Pig 2 (smiling):**
Okay, okay, you were right. Maybe a little hard work isn’t so bad.

**Pig 3 (relieved):**
And I’m just glad we’re all okay!

And so, the three little pigs lived happily ever after, in their strong, safe brick house.

**All Pigs (in unison):**
The end!


And that, my friends, is the story of the three little pigs. Always remember, sometimes the hardest path is the one worth taking.


This script is playful, fun, and suitable for a quick performance!

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