We asked “60 Minutes” why they CHANGED Kamala’s answer on Israel

5 months ago

Glenn Beck | We asked “60 Minutes” why they CHANGED Kamala’s answer on Israel | CBS News’ “60 Minutes” recently aired an interview with Vice President Kamala Harris about her 2024 presidential run. But keen-eyed social media users noticed that “60 Minutes” edited down her answer about Israel to cut out all the rambling and make her sound more coherent. However, it wasn’t just a simple edit. They appear to have copy-pasted an answer from another question! Glenn’s team reached out to CBS News for clarification, but has yet to receive a response.

So, Glenn reviews what happened and how it appears to fit a growing trend: Kamala Harris is suddenly doing more interviews, but they’re more like propaganda pieces! Just this week, she had a beer with Stephen Colbert and was introduced as “the next president” by The View. But at least she answered one question honestly during that interview …

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