alcoholism is still a more doable problem than whatever you're running away from

4 months ago

society doesn't have to pay yer bills n live w/ yer regrets
i used to be real concerned w/ what people thought about me n then i grew up a little bit
their opinion doesn't change my behavior unless my behavior is actually bad
going w/ yourself but not at the expense of other people
you should like you enough to not require others' approval
biggest mistake: not learning shit
in my early twenties i made a series of bad decisions
as a result of being afraid of it i ended up doin that very thing
you gotta be bffs w/ yourself (we used to be our own arch nemesis)
west civ can't accept the sadness of every day life
it ain't no mental health day, i just don't do anything
imagine if you tried to stuff yer own fecal matter in yer intestines, no bueno
consequences to avoid other consequences
be your own self detective
don't be a deadbeat all cos the world is bad
the world will continue to be shit, man
drugs/alcohol don't make it go away
the world ain't gone, you just blacked out hahaha
i wanna help these people but they ain't ready for my shaman shakedown
they make themselves victims by taking drugs that will worsen their problems
do good drugs, fun drugs not the ones you get prescribed that have a buncha side effects n no actual euphoria (fuuuuuuck that)
my friend todd is in the hospital, plz pray for him

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