Black Lesbian Is Afraid Donald Trump Is Going To Have Her Exterminated

4 months ago

Posted • October 9, 2024: On CNN, Democrat strategist Aisha Mills argued that Donald Trump was going to perform eugenics. This is because Trump said that illegal immigrant murderers had "bad genes," and there were a lot of people with bad genes running loose in the country. As I pointed out, CNN's chyron interpreted that as, "Trump Links Migrants to Murderers: 'It's In Their Genes.'" In that clip was Mills asking if Trump was going to have her exterminated because she had the bad genes of a black lesbian. The black lesbian card gets played often, and no one cares. But listen to Mills: "As a black lesbian, who Donald Trump doesn't believe has genes as good as his, is he going to try to exterminate me?" Crazy fear-mongering and race-baiting on CNN. What did Trump ever say about black lesbians? By "bad genes" he was talking about the illegal immigrant rapists and murderers coming across the border. And he didn't talk about exterminating them, either. He's talking about securing the border. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Black Lesbian Is Afraid Donald Trump Is Going to Have Her Exterminated

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