you're digging one helluva hole whenever you start feeling sorry for yourself

3 months ago

i know my existence is puzzling
you can play victim bout everything these days
i know i complain a lot but you know, comedians can do that, it's the fuckin art form
oh yeah and restaurant work
it's all important AND unimportant, futile AND relevant
it's everything, i coulda just said that
it was always my goal to find that deeper meaning
God threw me a big-ass (xmas) bone
we are going around this little curve
music has always mattered so much to me, it gave me sumin to obsess about
there's a significant use for "mental illness"
nowhere near as debilitating as it used to be since changing my perspective on it
you can change the feeling bout the feeling, it actually doesn't take very long
RIP david berman, the song people was actually written by him
stop saying that you're suffering, that's a way bigger problem
all these medical professionals do is hand you a shovel
i don't feel sorry for myself cos i experience things that are extra human
just look at what they do all day every day, they hate their humanity w/ a passion
so many people say they're gay but they ain't haha
i'll kinda/sorta buy that you're depressed since, you know, this whole shit show of a culture
they'll never talk about narcissism the way they do anything else
you can't accommodate to narcissism the way that you can autism
finally! they're talking about mental illness only it's the wrong one
they will never get it right but whatever
conventional people are the ones that commit suicide, unconventional people don't need the world to validate us
still do what chu wanna do, society don't have to pay yer bills

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