JUAN O SAVIN- HALLOWEEN & All Hallows Eve- Prepare for Change 10 31 2020

12 hours ago

Juan on Halloween 10 31 from Linda Paris 2019 presentation with edits and additions. Due to bad sound quality but great content I have posted here the version from Prepare for Change from 10 31 2020. https://rumble.com/user/PrepareforChangeOrg
All Hallows Eve and All Hallows Day, Oct 31st and November 1st typically, are days that signify multiple different types of occult Religious celebrations. It is all about these common beliefs in the various Pagan, Celtic, Druid and now Wiccan (or Witchcraft which is a spiritual system that fosters the free thought and will of the individual) Celebrations. Satanic groups that celebrate Blood Sacrifice on this day, believe that this was the time of year, when the membrane or the veil of separation between the living and the Spirit World could be crossed over to enter into the Spiritual realm of the dead. And they could converse with spirits, dead relatives and Demons and get knowledge or “information” that was important in the future. Later to safely return to this physical realm with that knowledge.
So “they” think that walking between the worlds of the nether regions with the dead is possible. But the living, from a biblical perspective, within this audience which I think is is largely a church oriented community, that tries to do spells or to get information about the future.. this is not right thinking. Imagine these practices, every one of them that is talked about, during this Halloween celebration is something that is specifically against Biblical teachings! A setting or celebration seen casually.. that is assumed to be just fun! I take you to a picture from the other day at a setting, where they had this huge banner out in front of a Church, a big Halloween celebration for the kids... and everybody knows, they are to come in, with their costumes and candy and masks for the big Halloween Event. The Costumes, the Pumpkins the spooky music the symbols that are actually Satanic in origin or Pagan in Spirit.. come into Physical reality! You might know that the Church and their whole operation.. they don’t “mean” to replicate a Pagan tradition but let me tell you what that tradition actually was based on.
In the words of the Samhaim (So- when) “occult” tradition.... “Originally known as the "Feast of the Dead" this sabbat was celebrated in Celtic countries by leaving food offerings on altars and doorsteps for the "wandering dead". Today a lot of practitioners still carry out that tradition. Single candles were lit and left in a window to help guide the spirits of ancestors and loved ones home. Extra chairs were set to the table and around the hearth for the unseen guest. The silent dinner where it was thought the “communication” with the dead was possible. Apples were buried along roadsides and paths for spirits who were lost or had no descendants to provide for them. Turnips were hollowed out and carved to look like protective spirits, for this was a night of magic and chaos.”

In a Real Pagan setting.. three days before the ultimate celebration of blood sacrifice all the “hearth” fires were extinguished. And for Three Days they prepared for the culling and Slaughter of the herds that were to be prepared around a main platform in the Town center. The festivities included, the ones up to be killed were contained in Wooden crates or staked to the ground with ropes and chains. Knives sharpened, horses harnessed, children helped gathering wood and brush for the main fire location. Women prepared the Salt tanks and dug pits for the meat preservation and to then dry it, for the winters food supply.

The slaves that were a part of the community were brought to the High Priests for inspection. It was they that decided their fate with a process know as divination.. the casting of straws and the drawing of lots. Biblical tradition now used to decide the fate of those that were not chosen to live, but to be sacrificed for the good of the Community. They were DEAD serious. The superstition and misconception linked to this celebration by the early church, led people to take some unusual precautions to protect themselves. They adopted the tradition of dressing in frightening costumes or disguises, and displaying scary looking carved out Turnips with candles in them, to help protect them from spirits they considered to be evil. In the British Isles, the young people would disguise themselves with hideous masks and walk through the village, lighting their way with lanterns made from carved turnips. Sound familiar?
So the big day arrives. The Chaos that becomes the day long festival is highlighted by the decisions from each family, that had to make a choice, as to what THEY would contribute to the High Priests in the form of Gifts, Trinkets, Clothing, Food and Sacred items. Woah to the children born of the Slaves, as they often were the ultimate Gift. And they paid with their lives. As the drums pounded the Gifts were take to the top of the hill and ceremoniously offered.. and everybody participated.
You can imagine the screaming and terror.. and the act of carrying the remains of the Animals slaughtered to the hill and tossed into the “Bone Fire”. Then at the moment of highest drama .. the final thing was the sacrifice ...the offerings of the Families. And with the moment the “climax” of this Satanic Blood Ceremony. The Masks and Costumes were worn to protect the identity of those that assisted in the ceremony, because “they” were often the same ones that healed the sick and preached the Bible.

A Prayer was said "Dark Father, aged Consort of the Crone, Lord of the Underworld, Hear and behold Your child this night as I honor Thee and Thy realm. I stand between Thee and Thy Lady, asking for blessing and favor. As this time-out-of-time approaches, stand ever guard as the Veil lifts, Keep safe my ancestors, and all of my loved ones As they journey to the Summerlands." In this the Child was killed.

So afterwards when the fire had burned down to ashes they buried the bodies of the Children and then put a cross at the head of the grave. As that was a Cross that symbolized the death of Christ.. and the payment of the price in human flesh.. in
order to be reconciled with God. And everyone takes home embers from the “Bone fire” now called Bonfire.. for the hearth in ones home to cook food, stay warm and keep ones desire for the community unity.. that was promised in this ceremony for another year.

And so that is the mixed apology. This ceremony is inter mixed with two divergent thoughts sustaining life and committing murder... the two don't go together but they're so interwoven in the Communities minds and that's part of the Satanic agenda. Which is to convoluted things in such a way that you can't think straight. Where you're not really thinking about what you're doing! Many of these things are hidden in plain sight. Oh and if you did not provide a human sacrifice? They would come to your house at some time in the future wearing masks and costumes and steal away the first born son or a daughter that was the most fair in looks.. to sacrifice or enslave to do their bidding. The signal they would give to those that DID sacrifice was that Turnip filled with blood that sat outside the main door of the home all year, that symbol we now light with a silly face on it, to show that that home would not be subjected to being “tricked” because they had already supplied the “treat”.

In the Forgotten Book of Eden (a series of Stories handed down not included in the King James Bible).. Satan is portrayed as repeatedly coming again disguising himself as an “angel of light” and singing the praises of God in heaven! And all of his demon escorts portraying themselves as speaking of all these wonderful things about heaven and praising God in heaven. When really the Demons had fooled Adam and Eve into believing that they were angels sent down from heaven and that they could help them.

All at the same time trying to lead them astray with all of this goodness and righteous thought and everything else and then at the end it was a trap every time! The RELIGIONS are always a TARGET to get people to drop their guard and go along blindly with this RUSE. When in reality they are a “snake in the grass” the “Serpent” that over and over created DOUBT in their FAITH of GOD. And destroys their TRUST in GOD. And the scriptures are pretty clear ...as the first five books of the Bible about the Halloween traditions... every one of them refers to the ONE TRUE GOD. NOT SATAN that we all have been subjected to his deceptions... on Halloween.

Is this a Holiday we should be repeating every year? To celebrate Bone fires and fear and Child Sacrifice? With our innocents in costumes carrying bags of Candy offered to them so they are not taken away to be slaughtered? I only ask this question because of the horror that so many early Christians had to think through Generations and generations ago. Must we repeat this? Or can we become what we were given by Jesus Christ who paid the ultimate price already. So we can say “Slaves No More”. And mean it. TRUST, FAITH and GOD ALMIGHTY. Pray. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Ephesians 5:7-15
Don’t participate in the things these people do. For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true. Carefully determine what pleases the Lord. Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret. But their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them, for the light makes everything visible. This is why it is said, “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” So be careful how you live.

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