i was already bored before the phones took over

4 months ago

man those grey streaks are so purty, i asked for a tulsi streak n i got it thank you Lord!
already fuckin up hahahaha
sittin here next to you wonderin bout what other shit i could possibly do instead of this
this is just my bitterness singin
i look at people similar to aleister crowley but w/ empathy
i am basically admitting to being sumin of a sociopath here
this empathy kills me tho
i used to be a dark empath cos i live in the least conscious country in the world
when those around you can't see the things you do of course you will think you are special cos it's partially true
i'm just like them in many other areas tho
i acknowledge plenty of things damnit
not always good at rhyming tho my timing is on point (sometimes)
side rant: turn signals
this is how you do it...instructions from a fucking woman on how to drive properly?
this is me excited hahahaha
awwww i had to wave to that guy since he was waiting for me
most of these these cyclists must have a death wish, i mean just look at what happens to motorcyclists hello
damnit is my second favorite curse word
watch ag parallel park!
as much as i wanna hit a lexus...
i can't wait for someone to take offense to this statement
my bit about lexus drivers is actually a reference to my fambly
lexus is a status car n i'm talking about cyber trucks by the way since they are so damn expensive AND ugly as fuck
a cardboard box that's made outta metal...why
speaking of things that look like shit...my harr *i need to wash it
i'm sure that many people are skeptical of my decision making so...
everyone can make any decision they want, we live in that kinda country n it is a bit unfortunate but also amazing if you play yer cards right

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