Can I Organize My Mess? Inline Wall Panels Will Help Me Try!

9 days ago

So, I am a total mess!! Let's try some Inline Fabrication Wall Panels to work on that! I don't clean things up at all. Not worth my time. Stuff is just going to get dirty again, why bother cleaning? LOL!! I am hoping that getting these Inline Fabrication Wall Panels added to my loading room will finally help me get a little more organized. I can get some things cleaned up off the corners of my benches where I just pile things up until I need them. Let's see how these go on the walls and what the before and after look like!

These mount very well, as everything does from Inline Fabrication. They do excellent work and this is no different. After installing the first one, I realized I wanted to go ahead and add the light strip to this so I can have some cool background lighting in my future videos. I took the first one off and got the lights in and back on. Now they are both secure and my initial run at hanging things from them is done for now.
As you can see, my benches were a disaster. Now they are slightly less of a disaster zone, but still a mess! I will never stop being a mess, lol. I just do too many things and stopping to clean is a very low priority. Someday I will get a wife and have some help around the house!!

Keep an eye on these panels in future videos. I am sure I will be moving things around quite a bit as I use it more until I find the way I want it set up. I really appreciate that things are modular with this system. If I don't like where something is, just loosen a few screws and move things around! No hard mounted storage with this. That is very appealing to me and the way I change my mind all the time.

Let me know if you want to see any of my Inline Fabrication stuff more close up! I have a lot of their product and happy to show it off if anyone is interested in something I have not shown yet.

Thank you for stopping by and watching my first run at starting to clean up my loading room. I will get it better over time! I promise, but do feel free to roast me in the comments here! I hope you have a great rest of your day and an awesome weekend!!

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