Enhancing Our Conversations - Day 10

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Day 10 - Enhancing Our Conversations

As we continue working on ourself, we will be met with many people who will find the changes challenging.

As we have experienced already, truth is usually unaccepted initially and the people closest to us will get triggered because it will highlight areas of their life that is far from the truth.

If they are not ready to change, their ego will find many ways of poking your buttons as they know the old you.

There are many things we can bring awareness to that will enhance our conversations and keep us on the path. When resistance comes our way, keep standing on your truth and they will have to accept who you are now and change will take place

Always focus on the truth. It is very easy to comment on things that does not require your energy, keep your focus on you and what you are doing

Tell your stories from your experience with your feelings and when sharing the stories of others, speak from your point of view instead of pretending it is your own. You will spot when others do this

Change got to get and feel the difference in the delivery and how it is received

I have got to see my parents this weekend/ I get to see my parents this weekend

A huge difference in one word

Bring awareness to being negative when story telling, or speaking about self. Putting your self down, even if it was meant as a joke is draining and people will be known for this

Gossiping is one of the biggest energy drainers, so when people decide to gossip about others, stop it and change the topic.

Change the negative words to positive, replace sorry with thank you

Sorry for being late/thank you for waiting
Sorry for what I said/ thank you so much for making me aware of what I said

Thank you for your patience
Thank you for the teaching
Thank you for the soul slap
Thank you, I really needed someone to point this out to me, I was unaware

Have fun with this and notice how much more meaning and depth you get from the conversations.

Become the conductor and the conversations will enhance

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