Will A Transexual Run For Office On The Democrat Ticket This November, and Why?

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The democratic party is filled with a bunch of deviates who feels like they don’t have to answer to any laws or regulations. Ralph Epperson has pointed out that technically, because of the verbiage of the Constitution a woman cannot be president because the verbiage says male and only male. In other words when stating a law pertaining to running for president many times it says He will or he shall never using the verbiage of the female gender. It’s no secret at least to a lot of us anyway that Michelle Obama is in fact an individual who is formerly known as Michael Robinson. If the democrats wanted Michelle to run and the male gender rule still applied could Michael AKA Michelle declare that he is in fact a male In gender thus negating the need for any special rules to be made up or passing legislation very quickly about a female becoming president. And what about Kamala Harris. What’s with all the mystery about the way she was picked to run for president? How did she get into that position without one delegate in a democratic convention choosing her? Is she just a shill for the democrats to remain in control? Could she withdraw just a few days before the election just to have Michael stand up and declare himself a candidate? We’ll talk about this and other things this Thursday on Opposing The Matrix. The live feed starts at noon pacific time on rumble and twitch. Hope you can make it.

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