2 Corinthians 03 The God of Bigger Plans 1:12-2:4

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Good evening SBC Family,

Attached are the notes for tonights lesson. It's not easy to outline a letter that is fueled by emotion. Paul had emotion. I remember speaking with a man who adamantly denied Christian's being emotional. He was very emotional about it. It is not that we shouldn't be emotional. It is that our emotions should have behind them the truth (the Amen). When we are emotional and there is truth behind it the conversation can seem very windy (read that with a hard i, like a long and windy road). We are going to try to track along with the apostle Paul on his long and windy road to a definite conclusion. Follow along, think, pray, and learn.

Pray for our country. Many people won't vote. They say they can't. It is because they are either to lazy or too proud of their own performance and like to measure themselves against others to make themselves feel better. They are contributing to lawlessness because they themselves contribute to lawlessness and will not vote for that which slows lawlessness the most. Paul said those who measure themselves against another do not have understanding (2 Cor 10:12). It is a sad day, but hey, God's plan will come to pass and all the horrors of the tribulation and distress on Israel will happen. If they want to rush us there and leave people here on the battlefield who they could have been salt and light too and shared the gospel with, then that is their decision. They will have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account of themselves. I myself shake the dust off my feet and am clean in this matter. I have spoken the truth (Acts 13:51).

Grace to you,



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