combine journey

5 months ago

Trevor Phillips rough life

After the baptized

When you were a kid you tried to help people out but everyone kept pushing away and then as you became a bit more older the darkness was slowly coming at you you were trying to get help but then the other one kept pushing away and then when you got older you let the darkness overwhelm you and then you're happy face turn into unhappy and as you moved your arms you said that's it no more nice Trevor

Mine rough life

It all started after I got baptized then after I saw Lucifer and when I was in kingraudden kids was jugging me laughing at me and that when I let the darkness overwhelmed me and that stayd with me until high school as freshman and a friend help me out to over come the darkness and whill the darkness was leaving it also left a demon inside me

that I accepted it

That all burden and hurt I been though

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