aliens inside my truck

5 months ago

I encountered these aliens in Kentucky, Garrard County, Lancaster on the public square, courthouse side, February 17th 2022 2:22pm. I was terrified after leaving a woman's apartment I was at in crab orchard, the next town over. Long story but, I was almost content about leaving from being parked while talking to a friend on the phone telling him about my situation when, the truck shook really hard and I hopped out to look back at my truck from the sidewalk infront of the building to see the little alien staring at me smiling, batting it's eyes then to be joined by the shadow being. They began looking back and forth laughing while talking and looking at me try to fumble my phone to zoom in and get the picture. I tried to approach them but they disappeared. The alien appeared to have a device it held in it's left hand. I circled it in the picture. Take in mind, there is one picture that the other's originate from.

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