How to solve: Homelessness, Housing Crisis, Cost of Living (no music)

3 months ago

Pooling Federal and State taxes from paychecks from people living in an apartment complex community could pay the utilities for the entire building (and building upkeep/ repairs) month after month after month and then the workers could save the rest of their paycheck in checking accounts or towards other personal expenses.

And that should be enough, there are tons of empty apartment complexes that no one can afford to live in. Rent is an unnecessary burden, demonstrated by constant rent increases. If everyone is paying for what actually matters- PG&E and the cost to keep the building up to code, there shouldn’t be any other expenses.

And this could be used to get homeless people off the street, working, and contributing by paying for their new housing situations.

This idea could also be used in the suburbs, where neighborhoods pool their Fed and State taxes to immediately cover utilities and more- like roads, school, public parks and libraries.

A better use of taxes that immediately benefit tax payers and the communities at large.

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