Article "Fico, Trump. Who’s Next?" Part 3

13 days ago

"Although Juraj Cintula claimed after the incident that he did not plan to kill but rather “harm the health” of Prime Minister Robert Fico to prevent him from performing his duties, he prepared two magazines of ammunition beforehand. What does his reluctance to kill after the fact indicate? As revealed in the documentary “The IMPACT”, it suggests that the program implanted in his subconscious ceased functioning after its execution. What do the two magazines of ammunition indicate? That the program was initially designed to ensure a fatal outcome. The shooter targeting Fico was effectively programmed.

An Interesting Point: In 2016, Juraj Cintula published two posts stating that no government could protect its citizens solely through law enforcement. Opposing uncontrolled migration, the writer and future shooter expressed support for defenders who purchased weapons and equipment at their own expense to defend the country.

Terms like “defense of the country,” “protection of the country,” and “saving the country” are noble goals often exploited by anti-cultists. A person open to such ideas could easily fall under the influence of anti-cult programming.

By shooting Fico, the shooter believed he was saving the country. Preparing two magazines of ammunition indicates his total commitment to this perceived mission of “salvation.” His aim was not murder per se but to save the nation from an enemy, a portrayal carefully crafted by the media years before the incident. The image of an enemy threatening society is often defined either directly by anti-cultists or through the actions of complicit media, while the anti-cultists themselves remain in the background."

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