Werni and Lupin .. a tale of lies and contridictions .. LOL

4 months ago

Everything you've been told is a LIE. Right Bluewater? Is Lupin really fashion fur beauty salon Werni? Is Lupin fashion fur beauty salon Wernis alter ego posting on a satanic 5D new age death cult? Who is who? What is real? How much did Bluewater pay Lupin to pretend to be fashion fur beauty salon Werni? Why would a 3D fashion fur model be in a 5D cult? Why would a 3D Beauty Salon owner currently working be retired like Lupin says she is? You think fashion Werni raises chickens? You think she would sun gaze like a retard? You think she would pay for remote healing sessions? Do you actually beLIEve someone like HER would be a twinflame for Christian? LOL

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