Germans training people on knife defense (is this a bad Joke?)

2 months ago

Germans training people on knife defense (is this a bad Joke?)

I would never teach this silliness. You must control the attackers knife hand. We all don't carry towels around with us in every room or in public. For examples you may have a coat, jacket or sweater you are wearing, if know you simply use environmental weapons or yourself as a weapon.

In this nonsense situation you would warp your attackers knife arm and drag them to the ground/floor not just distract them with a towel. Once on the ground stomp them with the heals of your shoes, first the knife hand and then on their arms, legs or whatever you have to. This is a deadly weapon situation! For more information you'd have to use the services of a professional trainer such as myself.

As a lifelong martial artist and training others in martial arts and self-defense for 30 years + I thought this was just comedy. But no, this is how the people in Germany are training civilians how to protect themselves against someone with a knife.

There is a distinct difference between a REAL martial arts school that trains their students properly and is not simply a money making business with no interest in being nothing more than a McDojo (fake school).

Knowledge is power. Know the difference between a REAL Dojo and a McDojo. As a REAL martial artist, I can tell you there are many McDojos around America. We have one right here in Rochester, NY, where the two primary instructors are obese and test all of their students for belt level advancement all at the same time and all of the students are tested using the same moves and actions to advance to the next higher level of belt. This is never done at a REAL Dojo.

Another phenomenon seen here the the United States is that McDojos (fake and/or fraudulent martial arts schools) invent new belt colors which do not exist in REAL Dojos. Like one local McDojo had invented a Brown Belt with one black stripe, Brown Belt with two Brown stripes and so on. The idea was to keep students away from that coveted 1st. degree black as long as possible to keep that monthly tuition flowing into their so-called school. The second reason for this rationale is because most Americans will quit taking (attending) classes with the mindset that they have no need to learn any more. I am now a black belt. In reality, your 1st degree black belt in REAL martial arts is considered when you truly become a student.

 Grand Master in Yushido Ryu Martial Arts Combat System: Judan (10th Degree Black Belt) Studied for 6 years in Okinawa under the founder, Ichiro Akiyama; (no I was not in the military, merely a sincere student)
 Ju-Dan (10th Degree Black Belt), Kancho-Grand Master Instructor in Goshin-Do karate
 Isshin Ryu karate, Godan (5th. Degree Black Belt)
 2001-2003 inducted in the World Wide Martial Arts Hall of Fame
 2003-2004 inducted in the Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame York State Director of World Krav Maga Organization (WKMO)
 Trained in Close Quarter Combat (CQC) as well

Buyer Beware of McDojos Fake Martial Arts schools
McDojos Fake Martial arts schools

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