John Kerry on losing more lives every year than we lost in the Holocaust and World War II

2 hours ago

"We're losing many more lives every year than we lost in the Holocaust and World War II, maybe three to four times as many lives now. Extreme heat is now increasing around the world. There are millions of people who are sleeping outdoors in India right now because they can't find relief. And even at nighttime, it's 30 degrees centigrade in the air temperature. So we have our work cut out for us folks, but here's the good thing. And I just close on this point to all of you. We have to be led by common sense. And if there's a threat which we see to our health, we ought to as public people demand that our governments and the private sector are going to respond appropriately. This finance gap that we face is really the greatest stumbling block of all right now. Well, maybe of all we also have to fight back, and you all can provide the testimonials of impact. We have to fight back against the greed and the sort of willful blindness that people adopt to the reality of where we find ourselves. There is barely a space on this planet where there is genuine sustainability. And where you find it, you will almost always find indigenous peoples who are managing that land and their air in a more responsible way. Most of the planet is made up of indigenous areas of land that have been guarded for centuries by people who apply a different ethic to their daily living."

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