why do artists even attempt to live a normal life

15 hours ago

ag "smokes"
it's always the same shit
i dunno what i would do if someone was w/ me besides ignore em all the time
i won't keep you w/ my conspiratorial banter
i'd rather stay over here where i know what to expect
if that sounds pathetic then so be it
stop pretending that you're someone you're not
a lotta people can't accept themselves for whatever they are
every time i speak you know that it's me
i won't recite the lines the way they do
why am i attempting sumin that i know i'm gonna suck at
i was younger n more gullible, trying to fit in w/ a world that spit me out
the older you get the less you can gaslight yourself
thelonious (car) is breathing really loud, his fans are fully activated
i have a relationship w/ my car like men do
my automobile understands me
animals are ideal companions
madness n normalcy don't mix
stop expecting people to put up w/ yer mental illness
my previous laughable attempts to do relationships
unabashedly dying alone

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