I Just Can’t Make This S**t Up! Overcoming Fear and Accepting My Spiritual Gifts - Alejandra G Brady

3 months ago

Alejandra G. Brady was sixteen years old when she had her first visitation from someone who had passed, awakening to see someone she knew at the head of her bed, saying goodbye. But it would be decades before anyone would give her a name for the unusual experiences, or a way to understand the strange events in her life.

It wasn’t until years later, after a highly successful career as an interior designer for homes and offices, did Alejandra begin to peel back the layers in her life to uncover the extraordinary spiritual gifts that lay at her core. Suffering from cervical compression and feeling something was amiss, she took a break to delve into HER mental and emotional interior to explore her spiritual essence, and create the reboot that freed her to accept her gifts and release the fear that was wrapped around her heart.

And as her spiritual journey unfolded, amazing synchronicities, astonishing experiences, and spiritual AHAs just kept showing up…and as Alejandra is fond of saying, “I just can’t make this SH!T up!”

Hence the title of her award-winning memoir and highly intriguing spiritual journey: I Just Can’t Make This SH!T Up!


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● I Just Can’t Make This Sh!t Up: Overcoming Fear and Accepting My Spiritual Gifts is available on Amazon.com in hardcover ($26.99), softcover paperback ($19.99) and on Kindle (9.99).


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● Contact: Alejandra@alejandrabrady.com

Social Media
● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alejandra.brady
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alejandragbradylifestyled/
● LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alejandra-brady-b35177213/
● YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXt_O-EzB38PwnAZfMTQNsQ

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