Grounding Fall Flow

5 days ago

Welcome to your grounding fall yoga flow! 🍂 As we move from the heat of summer into the crisp, cool air of fall, it’s essential to slow down and ground ourselves. In this flow, we’ll focus on balancing the fiery energy of summer with the calming, cooling energy of autumn.

This practice is designed to help you release any lingering tension from the summer months and embrace the peaceful energy of the Vata season. Through a series of stabilizing poses and mindful breathing, we’ll reconnect to the earth and find a sense of balance. Join me as we align body and mind for the changing season. Grab your mat, and let’s flow!

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00:00 Understanding the Seasonal Transition (Pitta to Vata)
01:48 Nadhi Shodhana
05:43 Warming Up: Cat-Cow & Child's Pose Variations
07:12 Grounding Flow: Plank to Downward Dog
08:37 Mandala Flow: Circular Movement on the Mat
15:48 Malasana (Garland Pose) with Twists
16:55 Seated Neck Stretch & Side Bend
18:03 Hip Opening: Deer Pose & Half Pigeon Variations
23:00 Closing & Reflection

Learn more about upcoming yoga retreats, workshops, and opportunities to take private classes with me:

#groundingmeditation #yogaforanxiety #ayurvedicpractices #yoga #yogaforbalance #ayurvedicyoga #seasonal #yogaforhealthylife #yogamindfulness #calmingyoga #autumn #mindbodyconnection #fitness

🧘‍♀️ About Me: Hey everyone! I'm Lauren Ikeda, your guide on this journey to inner peace and physical vitality. With over a decade of experience as a dedicated Yoga Teacher, I'm here to share my passion for yoga with you. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a curious beginner, join me as we explore the transformative power of yoga together. And keep an eye out for my furry companions Ziggy and Zoey, who often make special appearances!

🧘‍♀️ Teaching Approach: As a 200 E-RYT and YACEP Yoga Teacher, I believe in honoring the ancient wisdom of yoga while embracing the needs of modern life. My teaching style is all about embodied movement and mindful practices that nourish the body, mind, and soul. From beginners to professional athletes, aged 5 to 100, I emphasize function over form, making yoga a welcoming space for everybody.

🌍 Beyond Rumble: Since 2017, I've led retreats, blending yoga with exploration, mindfulness, and adventure. Join me on my next retreat:

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