Trump: Apple's HIDING Encrypted Overseas Acct's of both Assassins that Tried to Kill Him - "Should Be Punished"

5 hours ago

Trump says Apple is hiding the encrypted overseas accounts of both of the assassins that tried to kill him and that Apple should be punished and forced to open them up so we can find out the truth behind who is really behind the shooting. Apple was quick to open the January 6th grandma cell phones, yet they won't open up the phone of an almost Presidential assassin? Why won't they open the phone? This is absurd.
Trump says that the assassin hiding in the bush had six phones. Six. Who was he talking to? This most be priority number one yet they are covering it up, obviously.

"So this shooter had three or so cell phones. The FBI's never gotten them opened. The other shooter three apps they call them And I believe they were foreign based apps from what I understand. They haven't opened them and they're foreign based. And you know you hear all about Iran because I was rough with Iran but I wanna see Iran do great I wanna see Iran do great Yeah But I wanna stop all the killing and all this And and, I was rough on Iran and they supposedly have a hit on me. They have three apps and foreign based two of them.. Maybe three of them are foreign based They haven't opened them yet. Why wouldn't you open them when you hear about Iran? Then the other one had six cell phones, and they haven't opened.. Now you know it's very hard to open a cell phone... Only Apple can do it in theory unless you have somebody But they had no problem getting the January six people's cell phones open. They opened their cell phones very quickly.....I would like them to open up these apps and find out what's in there And so he had six cell phones... Who has six cell phones...Why does he have them? And why haven't they opened up those cell phones? So if if you had And it's different You know if you're a drug dealer, I think it's terrible in many ways but I guess from another standpoint Apple the primary group people buy those ones because they will never open them for any reason But they got them open…Apple has a key...And the key is I mean it just they can do it immediately. But they don't do it...
I think the rules have to go out and they have to open those things and they have to find out. And in terms of national security you have to either punish Apple or you have to get somebody that can do it.
But in terms of national security, so the one guy has six phones lots of messages to people...Who are those people he's calling when he's hiding in the bush?"

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