20240318 161332 Tux First Drink

2 hours ago

20-Mar-2024 No drinking problem here.

26-Mar-2024 I am sad to report that it appears that #Tux DOES have a drinking problem -- he drinks about four times the amount of water that a normal, healthy cat should, and the excessive urination to go with it. He takes in about 1L (a bit more than 1qt) of water per day.

I'm sorry to say that this often points to kidney disease or diabetes -- and he's probably only about three years old. Cole, the cat that we thought might be at least half-related to him, does not appear to have such an obvious problem as Tux. Because Tux is the only cat here with me, I know exactly how much he's peeing. This is a downside of having multiple cats -- that you can't necessarily know when one particular cat's urinary pattern has changed.

Apr-2024 Tux's condition has made it impossible to find him an indoor home, both because he is known to have medical issues, and that he does not always find his way to the litter box when he pees. It's not clear how much of this is because of his medical condition or how much of it is behavioral. Only using the litterbox 95% of the time sounds good, until you realize that when you pee 12-14 times/day, that that means that he's peeing outside the litterbox every other day. During the three weeks that Tux stayed with me, he peed outside the litterbox 6-7 times. Because I have no indoor place for him to live with me that peeing isn't an issue, Tux had to be returned to where he lived outdoors Because the only lead that we had for him to be a barn cat about 40 miles away didn't happen, we can find him athat isn't ult to find him a home, and we're unsure if we'll have any choice but to release him back where we found him before we got him neutered. Follow his playlist start page to stay up to date on the story with this very dear, sweet friend.

If you're the type of person to pray, please do so for Tux as everyone who knows him would appreciate it. Sorry for the bad news. Please send him all of the extra love that you have to spare.

May you be happy, healthy and free from harm.

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