Netanyahu calls on Iranians to overthrow their leaders

4 months ago

Netanyahu opfordrer iranere til at vælte deres ledere
se her jeg faktisk en lille smule enig med ham MEN det skal ske i alle lande i verden der styret af de samme og bruger os borgere som skak brikker :( sort hvid brun gul ( hudfarver ) muslim kristen budisme hinduisme og så videre ( religion ) så der den sjove RØD BLÅ politik sikke dog alsidige muligheder der er i det de kalder demokrati RØD BLÅ indsatte majonet dukker ( politik ) og så deres ultimative våben PENGE de trykker som det passer dem i de privat ejede frimurer banker uden penge som de bestemmer hvor meget du skal have af og inflation en gang i mellem til holde dig nede så du ikke får for mange penge undtaget selvfølgelig hvis du en god lydig dukke

Netanyahu calls on Iranians to overthrow their leaders
look here I actually agree with him a little bit BUT it has to happen in all countries in the world that are ruled by the same people and use us citizens as chess pieces :( black white brown yellow (skin colors) muslim christian buddhism hinduism and so on (religion) so there is the fun RED BLUE politics, what versatile possibilities there are in what they call democracy RED BLUE inmates, the mayo puppets (politics) and then their ultimate weapon MONEY they print as they see fit in the privately owned freemason banks without money which they decide where a lot you need and inflation once in a while to keep you down so you don't get too much money except of course if you are a good obedient doll

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