Christmas Eve’s True Gifts - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

25 days ago

December 24 - Christmas Eve’s True Gifts - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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This Christmas Eve, let us remember that it is not by chance that we are coming together with the people who we are sharing this holy night with. Unconscious of it as we may be, we have all made a spiritual commitment to each other. We are here to help each other recall, refocus, reinforce and reflect the light within. To truly be blessed by the totality of our light, it must be allowed to shine outward and touch others. If it is not touching others, then it is we who are blocking it. Being all One, if we are withholding the light from another, we are blocking it from ourself too. The ego has programmed us to believe that if we share our light, it will diminish, we will lose it, or it will be wasted away. In reality, being all One, it is what we share, through its expression and experience, that we forever get to keep.

Today, let us recall that when we withhold the gift of our light from another, we fail to fully experience it ourself. We are children of the Light — offered as gifts to this world to help those who are currently finding it too dark to see. Hope, forgiveness, charity, peace, joy and understanding are all expressions and reflections of the Light, of who we all are in truth. Offer your loving nature to all who you are presented with today. When you do, you will feel fulfilled because, in essence, you will be doing what you were created to do. We are all God’s gifts to this world. Some may have forgotten the light in them, but you have been placed before them to help them recall it. You are here to be and remind the children of the Light of the true gift to this world that they hold within.
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