Jordan Conradson: Ruben Gallego Follows In Father’s Footsteps By Abandoning Wife And Helping Cartels

4 months ago

Aired On: 10/9/2024

In this conversation, Peter Navarro and Jordan Conradson discuss Reuben Gallego’s controversial background and political actions. Conradson points out that Gallego has connections to the Mexican drug cartels through his father, who was a cartel drug trafficker. During a recent press conference, Gallego acknowledged his father’s criminal past but downplayed its relevance.

Navarro criticizes Gallego for his personal hypocrisy, mentioning that he abandoned his ex-wife, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, while she was pregnant to live with a lobbyist. They also explore Gallego’s voting record, which Conradson describes as aligned with the cartels’ interests, noting he “voted against increasing penalties for illegal immigrants” and supported policies that undermine border security. Navarro expresses concern over Gallego’s anti-border wall stance and his support for sanctuary cities, calling his record “disqualifying” for a Senate run. The discussion portrays Gallego as a politician whose personal and professional actions are deeply troubling.

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