Quantified Performance - A Day At The Range with Big Tex Ordnance

10 hours ago

Join Ike and Chris from Big Tex Ordnance as they tackle their first Quantified Performance match at Strategic Shooting Dynamics in Dilley, Texas. Watch as they navigate challenging stages, from close-range targets to long-distance shooting. The video offers insights into match preparation, gear selection, and lessons learned, featuring special guests from the Army Marksmanship Unit sharing their expertise.

0:00 - Introduction and match overview
3:00 - First stage begins
6:00 - Discussion of wind challenges and equipment
11:00 - Mid-match progress update
20:00 - Challenging close-range stage in a ravine
25:00 - Final stages and wrap-up
29:00 - Interview with Army Marksmanship Unit members
34:00 - Participants share their sustains and improves from the match

Experience the excitement and learning curve of competitive long-range shooting in this comprehensive look at a day on the range with Big Tex Ordnance.

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