X Flare & Comet Party (Earth Storming) Oct 9, 2024

6 days ago

Ascension Diaries on YouTube! October 9, 2024! Comet ☄️ footage has hit it’s peak during the most recent X1.8 Earth facing flare that caused a solar proton storm to be released. Follow Space Weather Live app and on X.com for alerts. There’s other accounts I follow on X like solar ham to double check things since the app isn’t always working.
X flares have been the theme of October and I was feeling it all year because it’s my birthday month so I psychically felt all this coming a while ago. I was feeling October would be a wash out which now I see the hurricane madness and can see why I wasn’t excited.
This comet’s timing is too good tbh and next month they’ll be releasing more testimonies about UFOs on a government level here in USA.
There’s been asteroids and comets and meteors in the skies all year during these flare episodes and major storms.
Some of us drew the conclusion quickly but some haven’t been abducted before so they’re behind. Many more will remember soon.
Jupiter just went retrograde after it trined Mercury and it’s been talking to me all week so I think this is an important move for Jupiter.

We’ve been having Aurora for 4 days and it’s still going right now. 1:30 isn’t long enough to tell you all this so I hope you’re reading my descriptions too.

Please comment your symptoms and other information that goes with this report as you see necessary. We’ve become an international team and we chat regularly. Join the conversation any time on my telegram, Patreon, Discord, fb group chat, or broadcast channel.

Some creators just talk at you but I’ve made areas for us all to meetup and chat daily, please utilize them and fall in love with eachother 🥰 it’ll be great for the collective consciousness 🥳

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