Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPRs) - Oklahoma Interim Study Discussion with Whitney Mullica

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Unfortunately, Julianne couldn't be with us this Wednesday. MOM duties come first and she was needed at home! We WILL have her back on soon to give us the podcast we were hoping for, but instead, Michael and I and our friend Whitney Mullica from PikeOffOTA, talked about Automated License Plate Readers.

Oklahoma Representative Tom Gann hosted a study on ALPRs and the loss of individual liberty Oklahoma residents are experiencing because of constant ALPR surveillance. The worst part is that there is NO LEGALLY AUTHORIZED USE FOR ALPRs excepting to check for INSURANCE, yet they are used for numerous other 'public safety' functions.

This needs to stop and we appreciate Rep. Gann tackling this issue in an interim study. Please watch for information you simply may not know and then PASS IT ON to friends and family so they can be educated on the topic as well!

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